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Scientific Article Publications for O1/EB1 Visa

Why are publications required to obtain a US O1/EB-1 visa?

O1 visa (creative visa) – granted to individuals with creative abilities or achievements. This is a type of short-term temporary visa that allows employment but not immigration. Individuals wishing to obtain it usually have a characteristic of “extraordinary ability”. Non-residents of the United States (aliens) may apply for this type of visa. However, they must have outstanding talents and skills in a specific professional field. For example, in education, science, art, sports, etc.

The EB-1 visa is a privileged category of visas. It is intended to obtain the right to permanent residence in the United States. It is issued on the basis of employment and is intended for special workers. We are talking about people who are characterized by extraordinary skills or have great scientific achievements. In addition, this type of visa is also provided to managers of foreign enterprises transferred to the United States.

Therefore, in order to qualify for an O1/EB-1 visa, the following requirements must be met:

1. Prove that information about the applicant has been published in professional, influential publications or in various communication media;

2. Prove the originality of scientific, research, sports, artistic or business achievements. They must be characterized by significant significance for a particular field.

3. Prove authorship of scientific publications in professional journals or any media.

4. Availability of evidence of authorship of scientific monographs or publications (in international scientific journals) in a specific field.

The experts of the Academy of Articles will help you with fulfilling all the requirements for publishing articles in scientific journals and in the media to obtain an O1/EB-1 visa  

What do you get when you order scientific paper publication for O1/EB-1 visa

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Publication of scientific articles in Scopus/Web of Science journals

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Publications in specialized scientific journals in the USA

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Writing and publishing abstracts at a conference

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Recommendations from candidates and doctors of science in your specialty

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Publication of articles about you in the media

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Citation of your scientific articles

Why is it necessary to order scientific publications to obtain an O1/EB-1 visa?

1. The main criteria for obtaining an O1/EB-1 visa is demonstration of scientific activity in the field in which the candidate works.

2. Saving time. There is not always time to write and publish scientific articles, conference abstracts and media articles.

3. Help from specialists. The specialists of the "Academy of Articles" have helped more than 24 individuals in obtaining an O1/EB-1 visa.


  • 1

    Application form
  • 2

    Selecting a publication strategy for your case

  • 3

    Drawing up a contract and making payment
  • 4

    Working on articles: Writing, design and selection of a suitable scientific publication

  • 5

    Checking your work before publishing 

  • 6

    Publication of articles, abstracts and articles in the media

  • 202020207

    Making a copayment