There are many styles that an author can use for referencing when writing a scientific medical article. After reading the guidelines, you need to constantly monitor yourself that the style you really need is being used. For example, Vancouver is the style most commonly used while writing scientific medical articles. It is easy to learn, easy to use.
When an author begins his or her research for any paper, it is important to write down in detail all of the information he or she finds. This data will be needed in order to provide accurate references and, if necessary, so that the necessary information can be found later.
In modern medical journals, the Vancouver citation style is most commonly used. Its distinctive feature is that the references in the reference list are numbered not alphabetically, but as the literature is presented in the text of the scientific paper. It does not matter what language the scientific paper is written in. Immediately in the text are made out references to the serial number of the work, which is cited, and is entered in square brackets [1] or [1, 2]. In the list of references, which is presented at the end of the article, be sure to indicate all the documents and materials that the author referred to during the writing of the work.
It is important to note the fact that you cannot cite works that were not presented in the reference list, and vice versa, you cannot make references to works that have not been published. Nor is it allowed to cite oneself. Only if it is very necessary, the author can present citations to his work, but not more than 3-5 references. When choosing the literature for writing the article, it is better to use not the thesis abstracts, but directly to the articles that were published on the basis of the dissertation research materials.
Footnotes in the text of a scientific article on medicine can be documents such as: federal laws, state standards, orders, medical and sanitary rules, regulations, guidelines and regulations, regulations, sanitary and epidemiological rules. In the list of references it is obligatory to indicate the names of all authors of each work to which reference is made.
All Russian-language sources or sources of literature in the Ukrainian language should be presented in transliterated form according to the sample below. In the lists of literature in the bibliographic descriptions must include DOI. The Crossref database is used to search for the index. Thus, the transliterated version of the bibliographic description references are inserted in square brackets and placed after the Russian/written in Ukrainian part of the literature. After the translated part of the bibliographic description in parentheses indicate the original language of the publication (In Russia), (In Ukraine).
According to the requirements of international citation systems, bibliographic lists are part of the English-language block of the article. Therefore, they should be presented not only in the original language, but also transliterated in the Roman alphabet.
If the article uses a source that is represented by two authors, they are separated by an "and" without a comma. More than two authors are separated by commas, but the last name must be linked to the previous one with a " and " without a comma.
References are crucial for authors who not only want to conduct successful research, but also have a desire to publish in today's high-level journals. It is also crucial for readers to be able to see how the author conducted the research.
In the list of references, which, as previously presented, should be located at the end of the article itself, all sources, on the basis of which the work was written, should be presented in the same order as they are mentioned in the text. It is mandatory to number all sources.
After the author has quoted the information, the source number from which he or she took it should be given. No more, nothing else should be provided in parentheses. This is the main distinguishing feature of the Vancouver style, which is often used for citations in scientific medical articles.
But, despite the fact that the design is quite simple, there are still rules that must be adhered to when the author makes a list of used sources in his research: