When writing a research paper and publishing it on international platforms, an important point is to maintain a clear structure and writing algorithm. The research paper must remain structured both in its main part and in the list of references. Bibliographic description should meet the requirements for publication. Key components such as data about the author, source, title, edition must be ordered on the basis of the format of the primary source (book, article, dissertation). Scientific work when published on Scopus and Web of Science must contain a list of references, designed on the model of APA 7 Style.
This is a common style of referencing, introduced by the American Psychological Association. Scientific paper is designed using APA Style, as the rules of registration are quite simple and clear, but they also have their own nuances. In this article, we will consider them in more detail. Among the important principles of APA Style allocate the following: scientific work should contain all the specified sources in the reference list; the finished material includes all kinds of references (in-text, block references). In-text references consist of the author (or editor, if there is no author), the year of publication, and also include the cited material. The citation is submitted in quotation marks and a reference to the author at the end of the citation or at the beginning. The research paper includes fully truthful references and a bibliographic description. The design of papers in this style is characterized by logical presentation and clarity.
According to APA Style rules, a scientific text ends with a list of references, which begins with a new page and meets a number of requirements. Among the main rules of the list of references are:
We have already analyzed the peculiarities of style and the rules for ordering material in the list, and now we will consider the detailed algorithm by which the source is submitted to the list. In a generalized form, each list entry contains the basic components, such as the author's last name, the year of publication, the title of the material, and data about the place of publication, but each item has its own characteristics. Let us consider each source separately.
Books without an author are written as follows: book title, year, edition (place, publisher). Part of the book is filed differently, namely: the author of the quoted chapter (surname. initials), year, title of the chapter, title of the book, pages, edition (place, publishing house). Multivolume editions are written as follows: author (surname, initials), editor's surname, year, title, edition number, volume range, place of publication, publisher.
3.1 Newspaper article: author information, title, year, date of publication, URL, date of reference
3.2 Article from an electronic journal: author data, journal title, issue, URL, date of reference.
3.3 E-book: author data, book title, city, publisher, year, pages, URL, circulation date.
3.4 Website: article title, URL, date of reference.
Thus, we have analyzed the features of editing scientific papers under the rules of APA 7 Style, identified its advantages, and evaluated its simplicity and logicality. This style of design makes the scientific text more structured and functional, as references in the text are true and give the opportunity to quickly navigate and find, if necessary, the full version of the publication. Also, this style is comfortable in that it gives a clear understanding of how to properly design the bibliographic data of the sources used, which in turn is very valuable in publications in international editions.