A prerequisite for successfully defending a Ph.D. thesis is the writing of scientific articles. The articles present the results of the research conducted, may demonstrate experimental or […]
A scientific paper is one of the mandatory documents that allow you to get a scientific degree. In this regard, the requirements for the design of the paper are constantly changing and becoming more stringent. […]
Not only novice but also experienced researchers and academics need to publish their research papers in peer-reviewed journals. But before publishing your work in […]
Vancouver Style Basics There are many styles that an author can use for referencing when writing a scientific medical article. Once you have read the guidelines, you need to constantly monitor yourself in […]
When writing a research paper and publishing it on international platforms, an important point is to maintain a clear structure and writing algorithm. The research paper must remain structured as in […]
In science, an important aspect of a scientist's development is his research interest in the direction in which he works. Often the problems studied by the scientist are framed in his scientific […]
After so much effort to produce the perfect article, finding the right scholarly journal to publish it becomes the next big challenge. Which one will show attention to your research? […]
Many international journals recommend using the Imrad structure when writing a research paper. This structure is the most common style of article formatting, especially the ScopusWeb of Science journals adhere to this structure, […]
Introduction In order for the publication of a paper or any other scientific work to take place, as well as to be worthy of recognition by others, all the data collected and results obtained must lend themselves to […]
Publication in a scientific journal is characterized by continuous processing of information. This entails a considerable amount of time for the sake of high-quality presentation of the material. After going through a thorough revision, a scientific article moves on to the following […]
One of the main components, without which can not do scientific conferences, are the theses directly to the work carried out, regardless of whether they are provided to the presentation itself […]
The VAK article - what is it? VAK articles refer to scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. Every scientific work that is submitted for publication or has already been published before […]