Academy of Articles - o kompanii akademiya statej

Why choose us

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Our managers are always in touch!

If you need an urgent problem solved at 9, 10 or 12 o'clock at night, we are always happy to help.

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Transparent communication

We discuss all issues openly with clients. If a situation arises, we do not hide behind words, but say everything as it is, trying to find a solution that is beneficial for both parties. You can always contact our management to resolve any issues. We value honest communication.

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Transparent pricing policy

Our prices are as transparent as possible and we offer a turnkey payment option, allowing you to split the payment for our services and for the magazine. For projects and grants, we always provide all receipts. If your budget is limited, we will find more economical alternatives. The option to split the payment 50/50 or 25/25/50 is always available.

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Coordination of all materials

All journals and articles are approved by the customer before publication and submission. We never submit an article to a journal that the customer has not approved.

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Bonus and cashback system

We generously reward customers for referrals with discounts and additional free services, such as increasing the h-index.

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Performing unique tasks

Academy of Articles is not afraid to perform tasks that are not in our standard list of services. If you need help, we are always ready to do everything possible to support you.

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Unique resources and content

We write only relevant articles that explain complex topics in an accessible way, because 90% of information in our field on the Internet is often confusing and difficult to access. Our goal is to convey knowledge in simple and understandable language so that you can practically use this knowledge in your scientific work, and not get confused in it, as in other resources. We also develop universal resources (for example, the list of journals of the KOKS MNVO RK) to make life easier for scientists.

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Quality of articles

The experts at the Academy of Articles write quality articles following methodologies recognized by the international scientific community, such as meta-analysis, systematic review, and research article. All our articles undergo rigorous editorial review, plagiarism check, and AI. We ensure that all articles have an originality percentage of at least 85%, and the AI detection rate does not exceed 20-30%.

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Saving Time and Money: Recommendations for Choosing Magazines

We regularly publish analytical articles about journals that may soon lose their indexation in Scopus. Our team actively works to publish and send out articles about journals excluded from Scopus, as well as those that are at risk of being excluded, within 1-2 days of receiving information. We strive to protect our readers from the time and money they may lose by publishing in such publications. You can also always contact us for advice on a particular publication, and we will give you our opinion on this journal for free.

And also in numbers:

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1012+ clients

We provide monthly service

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73% clients

order our services again

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1095+ articles

we published in Scopus and Web of Science

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105+ PhD students

protected thanks to us