Researchers strive to have their work included in the Web of Science database. In addition to being indexed in it, the international research community values the presentation of a generalized, comprehensive picture of the individual work and achievements of authors. This opportunity is provided by Publons as part of the system Web of Science.
The platform is a website for professionals engaged in scientific activities. Here, scientists can create a portfolio and demonstrate their authorial materials published in scientific journals. The resource is useful for publishers and editors, as it simplifies and automates the review process. Thanks to it, the efficiency of article accounting, citation indicators, reviews and editing of scientific journals has increased.
Web platform Publons – is a universal tool that will help track the academic activities of authors. It is integrated with the Web of Science database. The resource pulls scientometric indicators from Web of Science.
Publons is simple and free to use. The platform contains reviews by 2,000,000 researchers from different countries. Publons allows you to track publications, connect to Web of Science Core Collection allows you to download citation indicators automatically.
In Pablons you can get information about individual researchers, articles, scientific journals, organizations. The filter can also be configured to display individual regions and countries. To do this, just go to the BROWSE tab. Convenient search allows you to find authoritative scientific journals from the Web of Science database, such are marked with the WOS mark. The tabs are active, from them you can go to the official websites of publications.
Indexed Publons scientific articles are sorted by date of publication. Users can rate articles – SCORE. The resource allows you to find all registered researchers from a certain country and the organization they represent.
In scientific journals, some authors have the same last name and initials. This causes errors in citation and scientometrics. To simplify the identification of unique authors of articles, a system called Researcher ID was created.
This user ID is closely linked to the Web of Science database. Until 2019, it functioned on the resource, then was transferred to Publons. It has a standardized alphanumeric form like A-234-2020. The last digits indicate the year the ID was registered.
Not all researchers can get an ID, for this you need to have it in your profile Publons and Web of Science from one of their publications. A scientist can link their ResearcherID to their own articles.
Why is this important? It is important to remember that not all publications of a particular researcher can be indexed in Web of Science. In this regard, the identifier takes on a special meaning: thanks to it, one can understand the total volume of works of a scientist. This is important for those researchers who work in areas that primarily use peer-reviewed conference articles, as well as for publishing books or individual chapters.
Linking articles to an identifier allows you to find colleagues in a specific area of research.
Attention! If in the database Web of Science new publications of the author are indexed, they will not be automatically linked to ResearcherID, so you will have to go to the profile Publons and add them manually.
What are the benefits of ResearcherID on Publons?
To register, follow the link The procedure is quite simple, you only need to enter your email, first and last name in Latin, come up with a password and confirm it. In addition, you can register via Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, WeChat or using a unique number ORCID.
After clicking the Register button, a link to activate your account will be sent to your email. After clicking on it, you will need to enter your login and password again. You will be taken to your profile and in the Settings tab, select Profile to fill it out. You will need to upload a photo, indicate your country, brief information about yourself, and save the data. The option to add information about membership in the editorial board, journal, organization (for example, an institute) is available. Be sure to save all changes.
Scientists can list their achievements and scientific articles, and the resource allows you to link profiles in a few clicks Publons And ORCID and import publication data from the latter. This completes the initial profile setup.
Attention! For those authors who have already registered in Web of Science and/or EndNote, separate registration in Publons. They will be able to use logins and passwords from the specified databases to access the system.
If you are interested in searching for scientific articles and authors:
If you are creating your profile to present the results of your work:
Thus, the specified platform allows establishing contacts in the scientific community, developing cooperation, finding colleagues for joint research, and building a career.