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Increase in the Hirsch Index

Why is it necessary to increase the Hirsch index?

1. Citation - the main indicator of the relevance, usefulness, significance of the scientific article and its "hitting the mark"

2. The index reflects the real demand for author and collective scientific articles. Globally, it helps to form an idea of the ranking of scientific journals, authors, and trends in topics and formats.

3. An important indicator of a scientist's relevance is the scientific citation index.

4. Proper structuring will make it easy for other scientists to find a scholarly article in a search.

Formula for increasing the Hirsch index

The Hirsch index (h-index) is a metric that reflects the productivity of a scientist and the impact of his or her research in the scientific community. The h-index is defined as the largest number h for which the scientist has at least h papers, each of which has been cited at least h times.

h = max (h : N(h) h)


  • — Hirsch index.
  • N(h) — the number of articles, each of which has been cited no less than once.

Increasing the citation rate is a realistic task, you just have to work hard. But if all this burdens you or time is ahead of your desires, and you need the result, we are always ready to help you and do the job.

What you get when you order Increasing the Hirsch Index

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Evaluating the author's profile

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Calculating the number of citations to obtain the desired indicator

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Selection of scientific articles that are being prepared for publication and correspond to the subject area of the author, inclusion of links to your articles in these works

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Monthly report on work done

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Obtaining the required Hirsch index value

The Cost of Increasing the Hirsch Index

Quote prices
Base Range of citations Price per 1 citation
Scopus 1-10 citations 20$
from 10 citations 15$ 🔥
Web of Science 1-10 citations 18$
from 10 citations 15$ 🔥
Google Scholar 1-10 citations 7$
from 10 citations 5$ 🔥


  • 1

    Execution of the contract and prepayment

  • 2

    Adding citations to articles that are being prepared

  • 3

    Publication of articles with citations

  • 4

    Increase in the Hirsch Index

Ready to increase your h-index?

Leave a request, and our manager will contact you to quickly increase your citation rate!