Scopus and Web of Science are bibliographic services that index thousands of scientific publications. Before publishing a scientific article, it is worth analyzing both platforms and choosing the one that best suits the topic of your research. To make the right choice, you need to understand the main differences between the resources.
Scopus is a database and search tool for scientific papers.
350 subdivisions.
Web of Science is a platform for searching scientific literature and patents.
Web of Science in most cases indexes materials with a natural and exact direction. Therefore, if you have chosen a scientific subject with a humanities focus, it is worth giving preference to a journal that is indexed in the Scopus database.
Both platforms regularly check each indexed journal for quality.
Scopus removes publications from the list three times a year. In WoS, "mopping up" is not as frequent, so if you publish an article in Web of Science, the risk of not indexing is less.
In any case, before selecting a journal, it is necessary to analyze it to exclude the fact of termination of indexing.
Timing of publication depends on many factors, such as: the quality of materials, the popularity of the publication, the queue for publication, etc.
As a rule, the period of publication of a scientific article in Scopus journals is from 4 months to 2 years, and the publication of an article in Web of Science can last from 1 to 2 years.
It is impossible to predict how long it will take to publish a scientific article. But the process can be accelerated if the materials are prepared correctly.
Our authors will help to prepare a high-quality scientific article and reduce the period of publication to a minimum.