The articles of the Higher Attestation Commission refer to the scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. Each scientific work that is submitted for publication or has already been published earlier has a number of differences and advantages over other works on similar topics. First of all, writing a VAK article means following a complete and coherent structure. The text should correspond to the chosen topic, the work is written only in scientific style with a high percentage of uniqueness. Also necessary for quality research is the use of keywords and rigor in the desired scope of the scientific article. The requirements of the VAK are due to the clear structuring of information for its full-fledged perception. And the writing and publication of scientific articles become more understandable when there are specific requirements in front of your eyes, so below will be presented the main components of a classic quality publication in VAK journal.
For the purpose of publishing a scholarly article, it must consist of:
- header
- abstract of the study
- main text
- bibliographies
- keywords
- if necessary, visualization of the material
- information about the author
*This is the principle by which all articles for the defense of a PhD thesis and other possible dissertation research are constructed
In the correct title of the research article, the applicant for a scientific degree indicates his or her full name, the full name of the university or scientific institution where the research was made and the name of the discipline.
A decent article abstract consists of several parts:
- the subject of the research, the topic and the purpose of the VAK article;
- the methods that were used in the research work;
- the results of the study;
- areas of possible practical application of scientific results;
- conclusion
The abstract includes the syntax of scientific and technical documentation, the English version of the paper uses terms that are peculiar to special texts with mention of lexical constructions peculiar to the chosen topic of the VAK article.
This part of the research paper consists of introductory part (research methodology and its application to theoretical and practical aspects of everyday life), data on the progress of scientific work (a holistic transcription of the study, based on previous works of the chosen discipline, a complete analysis of the results, a comparison of the data obtained with previous scientific works), conclusions and recommendations (scientific parallel between the introductory part and the results, providing detailed conclusions about the topic of the article).
In bibliography the author describes all the literature and other materials that were used during the study. It is desirable to rely on newer, modern sources, which will make the publication of the HAC article more accessible. Such a choice of literature does not raise doubts on the part of experts in terms of the feasibility of the research results.
For keywords the two main languages used are English and Russian, and the scientific constructions in the translation should be as close as possible to their meaning in the original.
Material visualization - the obligatory part of the VAK-article, all sorts of charts, graphs, diagrams and other images are the main opportunity to combine a large amount of material into a clear and understandable structure.
Author's information are placed at the very end of the document, it includes the full name, position and degree, as well as the place of work of the author of the VAK article (the data are entered in two languages)
If you follow the clear structure of a scientific article, it will not seem so difficult to publish the VAK, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the requirements before you start drawing up the research.